"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power--GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT"

ALAN SCOTT sector 2814, the original green lantern
HAL JORDAN sector 2814, the greatest green lantern
JOHN STEWART sector 2814, leader of the green lantern corps, former ultraviolet lantern corps member, african-american
GUY GARDNER sector 2814, warrior, former red lantern corps member
KYLE RAYNER sector 2814, the greatest lantern, torchebearer, former white lantern corps member, was also ion, half-mexican
SIMON BAZ sector 2814, miracle worker, former white lantern corps member, former partner of jessica cruz, lebanese
JESSICA VIVIANA CRUZ sector 2814, formerly power ring, former partner of simon baz, mexican
SOJOURNER "JO" MULLEIN far sector, african american
KELI QUINTELA sector 2814, teen lantern, young justice member, bolivian (afro-latina)
TAI PHAM sector 2814, vietnamese
JAN unknown sector



==All-American Comics (1939)==]16, 18, 26, 38 Secret Origins (1986) 18, 31 Green Lantern (1941) 1-38 Detective Comics (1937) 784-786 All-Star Squadron 1-63 Justice Society of America (1991) 3, 6-8 Green Lantern Corps Quarterly 1-7 Justice Society of America (1992) 1-10 Infinity Inc 1, 9-11 Annual 1 Green Lantern (1960) 40, 45, 52, 61, 88, 111-112 Justice Society of America (2007) 1, 9, 14-15, 20-21, 27, 40-43 Flash/Green Lantern Faster Friends , Flash & Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold 3 Green Lantern 80 Page Giant 1-3 DC First: Green Lantern/Green Lantern , Green Lantern (1990) 71, 110, 133-134, 140, 152, 156 Rann/Thanagar War Infinite Crisis Special , JSA Classified 32-33, 39 52 5, 29 JSA 80 Page Giant (2011) , Green Lantern: Brightest Day/Blackest Night
Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular , Infinite Frontier 0, 1 - 6
Unique Abilities 
Decelerate AgingStarheart Empowerment: Invisibility, Hypnosis, Immortality, Teleportation, Phasing


Non Canon
The Golden Age (1993) 1-4 Convergence 1-8 Earth 2 1-26 Earth 2: Society 1-22 Earth 2: World's End 1-26 Injustice: Year Zero 1-7, 13-14


Movies, Cartoons, etc

TV Shows
Batman: The Brave & The Bold S3: EP13, EP15 Smallville S9: EP9 Green Lantern (coming soon) Jeremy Irvine Is Currently Casted as Him



Showcase 22 Green Lantern (1960) 2, 5 - 7, 16, 26, 40, 76 - 79, 83 - 84, 116 - 117, 122 - 123, 178 - 183, 194 - 198 Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps 1-3 Green Lantern/Green Arrow 1-7 Green Lantern (1990) 48 - 50 Zero Hour: Crisis In Time read backwards, starting at 4 and ending with 0 Green Lantern (1990) 0, 63 - 64 Parallax: Emerald Night , The Final Night 4 Day Of Judgement , The Spectre (2001) 1-27
Green Lantern: Rebirth 1-6 Green Lantern: Secret Files And Origins (2005) , Green Lantern: (2005) 1-20 Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special , Green Lantern (2005) 21-25 Final Crisis: Rage Of The Red Lanterns , Green Lantern (2005) 36-43
Blackest Night 0-1 Green Lantern (2005) 44 Blackest Night 2 Green Lantern (2005) 45 Blackest Night 3 Green Lantern (2005) 46 Blackest Night 4 Green Lantern (2005) 47 Blackest Night 5 Green Lantern (2005) 48-49 Blackest Night 6 Green Lantern (2005) 50-51 Green Lantern Corps (2006) 39-45 Blackest Night 7 Green Lantern (2005) 52 Green Lantern Corps (2006) 46 Blackest Night 8
Green Lantern: War of The Green Lanterns (2011)


Non Canon
The Golden Age (1993) 1-4 Convergence 1-8 Earth 2 1-26 Earth 2: Society 1-22 Earth 2: World's End 1-26 Injustice: Year Zero 1-7, 13-14


Movies, Cartoons, etc

TV Shows
The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure Hal's first appearance Super Friends Challenge of the Super Friends, Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show, & The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians Green Lantern: The Animated Series S1 Justice League Action (2016) S1: EP4, EP32, EP37, EP38, EP45, EP48 DC Superhero Girls don't know why i put that here but ig
Green Lantern: First Flight (2009), Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (2011), Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths, Green Lantern (2011) i shouldn't recommend it tbh but also it's a goo laugh so why not Justice League: Doom, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, Lego Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes Unite , The Lego Movie, Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis, Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League – Attack of the Legion of Doom, Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League – Cosmic Clash, The Death Of Superman, Reign Of the Superman, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part



Green Lantern (1960) 87 Justice League of America (1960) 110 Green Lantern (1960) 165, 181 - 183, 185, 187 - 189, 193 - 198 The Green Lantern Corps 211 - 212, 224 Action Comics #601 - 606 Cosmic Odyssey , green lantern (1990) 1 - 9, 13 - 17, 19, 23 - 24 green lantern: mosaic (story is written by a pedo but it's one of the few solo stories he gets) darkstars 21 - 24, 0, 25, 33, 35 - 38 green lantern (1990) 70, 73 - 75, 78 parallax: emerald night) , green lantern (1990) 81 - 85, 91, 111-112, 129 - 134, 141-148, 155-156, 160, 167, 170, 178-179
green lantern: rebirth 1-6 green lantern (2005) 1 the flash (1987) 233, 235-236 green lantern (2005) 21-25, 26 - 27, 36 blackest night #1 green lantern (2005) #40 - 42, #44 - 49 blackest night #6 - 8 war of the green lanterns green lantern corps (2006) #61
Green Lantern Corps (2011) 1-12 Rise of The Third Army , The Wrath of the First Lantern , Green Lantern Corps (2011) 20-23 Green Lantern: Lights Out , Green Lantern Corps (2011) 25-34
Green Lantern: (2011) 35 Green Lantern Corps (2011) 38 - 40
Green Lantern: Lost Army 1-6 green lantern: edge of oblivion 1-6
Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth , Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps
- I'm personally not a fan of how John Stewart was written in Cosmic Odyssey. I found out to be ooc and it was obvious the storyline was meant to be for another green lantern. but the events will follow him to this day so it's a must read
- Also not a fan of how john stewart was written in Green Lantern (2005) & onwards. Due to the justice league cartoon, DC editorial made an attempt to insert the military background that was given to him in there & insert it into main continuity. Geoff Johns happily obliged & it's stained his writing since then, including his personality, turning him into a serious, cold hearted man who uplifts the military any opportunity he gets, making him 'patriotic'. It's why i recommend The Flash (1987) issues because waid really gave him a personality that i wish writers nowadays would use


Movies, Cartoons, etc

TV Shows
Justice League/Justice League Unlimited , Young Justice
Justice League vs The Fatal Five , Justice League: Dark



Green Lantern (1960) 59, 87, 116-117, 122-123, 189-190, 193-200 The Green Lantern Corps (1986) 201, 204-205 Legends 5-6 Justice League (1987) 1-4, annual, 5 Justice League International (1987) 7-6, 11-15, 18-19 justice league america (1989) 28, 33, 39-40 green lantern (1990) 1 -3 justice league america (1989) 45 - 50, 52 green lantern (1990) 4-13, 18 justice league america (1989) 60 justice league spectacular justice league america (1989) 61 - 63 Green lantern (1990) 25 Guy gardner: reborn Justice league america (1989) 66 Guy gardner 1-3 justice league america (1989) 70 guy gardner 4-14 justice league america (1989) 82-83 guy gardner 15 justice league america (1989) 84-85 guy gardner 16 guy gardner: warrior 17 justice league america (1989) 86 guy gardner: warrior 18-23 zero hour: crisis in time 4, 3, 2 guy gardner: warrior 24 zero hour: crisis in time 1, 0 guy gardner: warrior 0, 25-28 green lantern (1990) 60 guy gardner: warrior 29 action comics (1939) 709 guy gardner: warrior 30, 43-44 detention comics , parallax: emerald night green lantern (1990) 81-82, 102, 107
green lantern: rebirth green lantern corps: recharge green lantern (2005) 11-13 sinestro corps war green lantern corps (2006) 20, 27-30, 33, 39-48 green lantern: emerald warriors 1 - 6 war of the green lanterns green lantern: emerald warriors 11 - 13
green lantern corps (2011) 1-12, 0 red lanterns 6-8 rise of the third army , wrath of the first lantern , green lantern corps (2011) 20 red lanterns 21-23 lights out , red lanterns 25-27 red daughter of krypton , godhead , red lanterns 38-40 green lantern: lost army , green lantern: edge of oblivion , convergence: green lantern corps



green lantern (1990) 48 - 55 zero hour: crisis in time (read backwards, starting at 4 and ending with 0) green lantern (1990) 0, 56, 62 - 64, 70 - 73, 76 green arrow (1988) 110 green lantern (1990) 77 green arrow (1988) 111 adventures in the dc universe 11 jla (1997) 1 - 7 green lantern (1990) 88 - 90 jla (1997) 16 - 17 green lantern (1990) 100 - 107 green lantern: the new corps, green lantern (1990) 113 - 114, 118 - 119 jla (1997) 43 - 46, 50 - 54 green lantern (1990) 129 - 137 green lantern: circle of fire , green lantern (1990) 143 - 146, 149 - 150, 153 jla (1997) 66 - 68, 70, 72 - 75 green lantern (1990) 154 - 155 jla (1997) 76 green lantern secret files and origins (2002) , green lantern: rebirth , rann/thanagar war: infinite crisis special , ion , green lantern: sinestro corps special , green lantern (2005) 21 - 22 tales of the sinestro corps: parallax , green lantern (2005) 23 - 24 tales of the sinestro corps: ion , green lantern corps (2006) 19 - 20, 27, 32 - 33, 39 - 47 war of the green lanterns
green lantern: new guardians 1 - 4, 11 - 12, 0, 13 - 20 lights out , godhead , the omega men (2015) , hal jordan and the green lantern corps 8 - 25, 33 - 36 titans (2016) 30 - 36, dark crisis #2-5, convergence: green lantern/parallax , dc retroactive: green lantern - the ‘90s



all star squadron 25 - 26, Annual 2 Infinity inc (1984) 1-44 New Teen Titans (1984) 38 Infinity inc (1984) 45-53, Annual 1-2 Green lantern (1990) 19, 81, 86-87, 91-93, 96, 103, 106-114, 117-122, 131-139 Green Lantern: Our Words At War, Green lantern (1990) 140-148, 150-162, 166, 168-177 Green Lantern/Sentinel: Heart Of Darkness 2-3 JSA (1999) 7, 9, 21, 34-37, 49-52, 54, 85 outsiders (2003) 1-32, 43, Green lantern rebirth , Infinite crisis 2-3 The Rann-Thanagar War Infinite Crisis Special , Green Lantern (2005) 42, 54 Green Lantern Corps (2006) 33, 39-42, 58 Blackest Night 1, 8
== Convergence: Infinity Inc.== 1 - 2 == Convergence: Justice League == 1 - #2
Infinite Frontier
Infinite Frontier 0 Infinite Frontier Secret Files 3 Infinite Frontier 1-6 Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green


TV Shows
Stargirl S2: EP1 - EP2, EP 10 - EP 13



Green Lantern (2011) 0, 11, 13-18 Green Lantern Corps (2011) 16, Annual 1 Green Lantern (2011) 17-19 Green Lantern: New Guardians 19 Green Lantern (2011) 20, 29, 34 Justice League of America (2013) 5-10, 13 Forever Evil 7 Justice League of America (2013) 14 Red Lanterns 35-37 Green Lantern (2011) Annual 3 Green Lantern: Lost Army 6 Green Lantern: Edge of Oblivion 1-6
Green Lanterns: Rebirth , Green Lanterns 1-6 DC Rebirth Holiday Special , Green Lanterns 7-47, Annual 1, 48-54 Secrets of Sinister House (2019) ,Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular , Green Lantern (2021) (it's currently ongoing)
Unique Abilities 
Emerald SightHealing (can be reversed to do the opposite)



Justice League (2011) 30-45 Darkseid War: Flash , Justice League (2011) 46-48 Darkseid War Special , Justice League (2011) 49-50
Green Lanterns: Rebirth ,Green Lanterns 1-6 DC Rebirth Holiday Special , Green Lanterns 7-47, Annual 1, 48-54 Secrets of Sinister House (2019) ,Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular , Justice League Odyssey 1-25 (i'm not a fan of this run, she was very ooc after the first few issues but i'll leave it as a last resort) Dark Nights: Death Metal Rise of the New God , Green Lantern (2021) 2 Future State: Green Lantern 1 Green Lantern (2021) Annual 1, 5, 7


Non Canon
Bombshells United 12, 38 Unearthed: A Jessica Cruz Story


Movies, Cartoons, etc

TV Shows
DC Super Hero Girls , Green Lantern (coming soon to Hbo Max)
Justice League vs The Fatal Five, Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis, Lego DC Shazam!: Magic and Monsters, DC League of Super-Pets



Far Sector 1-12 DC Pride DC Pride 2022 Green Lantern (2021) 2-4, 6-13 Dark Crisis 1-5
Future State
Future State: Justice League 1-2 Future State: Green Lantern 2



Young Justice (2019) 1-20 Action Comics (2016) 1020-1021 Green Lantern (2021) 1-7, 9, 11
Future State
Future State: Green Lantern 2



Green Lantern: Legacy, DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration, Green Lantern: Alliance



Infinite Frontier
DC's Terrors Through Time