"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power--GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT"
members |
ALAN SCOTT sector 2814, the original green lantern |
HAL JORDAN sector 2814, the greatest green lantern |
JOHN STEWART sector 2814, leader of the green lantern corps, former ultraviolet lantern corps member, african-american |
GUY GARDNER sector 2814, warrior, former red lantern corps member |
KYLE RAYNER sector 2814, the greatest lantern, torchebearer, former white lantern corps member, was also ion, half-mexican |
SIMON BAZ sector 2814, miracle worker, former white lantern corps member, former partner of jessica cruz, lebanese |
JESSICA VIVIANA CRUZ sector 2814, formerly power ring, former partner of simon baz, mexican |
SOJOURNER "JO" MULLEIN far sector, african american |
KELI QUINTELA sector 2814, teen lantern, young justice member, bolivian (afro-latina) |
TAI PHAM sector 2814, vietnamese |
JAN unknown sector |
PRE52 |
==All-American Comics (1939)==]16, 18, 26, 38 Secret Origins (1986) 18, 31 Green Lantern (1941) 1-38 Detective Comics (1937) 784-786 All-Star Squadron 1-63 Justice Society of America (1991) 3, 6-8 Green Lantern Corps Quarterly 1-7 Justice Society of America (1992) 1-10 Infinity Inc 1, 9-11 Annual 1 Green Lantern (1960) 40, 45, 52, 61, 88, 111-112 Justice Society of America (2007) 1, 9, 14-15, 20-21, 27, 40-43 Flash/Green Lantern Faster Friends , Flash & Green Lantern: The Brave and the Bold 3 Green Lantern 80 Page Giant 1-3 DC First: Green Lantern/Green Lantern , Green Lantern (1990) 71, 110, 133-134, 140, 152, 156 Rann/Thanagar War Infinite Crisis Special , JSA Classified 32-33, 39 52 5, 29 JSA 80 Page Giant (2011) , Green Lantern: Brightest Day/Blackest Night |
N52 |
Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular , Infinite Frontier 0, 1 - 6 |

Unique Abilities | |
Decelerate Aging | Starheart Empowerment: Invisibility, Hypnosis, Immortality, Teleportation, Phasing |
Non Canon |
The Golden Age (1993) 1-4 Convergence 1-8 Earth 2 1-26 Earth 2: Society 1-22 Earth 2: World's End 1-26 Injustice: Year Zero 1-7, 13-14 |
Movies, Cartoons, etc
TV Shows |
Batman: The Brave & The Bold S3: EP13, EP15 Smallville S9: EP9 Green Lantern (coming soon) Jeremy Irvine Is Currently Casted as Him |

PREN52 |
Showcase 22 Green Lantern (1960) 2, 5 - 7, 16, 26, 40, 76 - 79, 83 - 84, 116 - 117, 122 - 123, 178 - 183, 194 - 198 Tales Of The Green Lantern Corps 1-3 Green Lantern/Green Arrow 1-7 Green Lantern (1990) 48 - 50 Zero Hour: Crisis In Time read backwards, starting at 4 and ending with 0 Green Lantern (1990) 0, 63 - 64 Parallax: Emerald Night , The Final Night 4 Day Of Judgement , The Spectre (2001) 1-27 |
Green Lantern: Rebirth 1-6 Green Lantern: Secret Files And Origins (2005) , Green Lantern: (2005) 1-20 Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special , Green Lantern (2005) 21-25 Final Crisis: Rage Of The Red Lanterns , Green Lantern (2005) 36-43 |
Blackest Night 0-1 Green Lantern (2005) 44 Blackest Night 2 Green Lantern (2005) 45 Blackest Night 3 Green Lantern (2005) 46 Blackest Night 4 Green Lantern (2005) 47 Blackest Night 5 Green Lantern (2005) 48-49 Blackest Night 6 Green Lantern (2005) 50-51 Green Lantern Corps (2006) 39-45 Blackest Night 7 Green Lantern (2005) 52 Green Lantern Corps (2006) 46 Blackest Night 8 |
Green Lantern: War of The Green Lanterns (2011) |
Non Canon |
The Golden Age (1993) 1-4 Convergence 1-8 Earth 2 1-26 Earth 2: Society 1-22 Earth 2: World's End 1-26 Injustice: Year Zero 1-7, 13-14 |
Movies, Cartoons, etc
TV Shows |
The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure Hal's first appearance Super Friends Challenge of the Super Friends, Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show, & The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians Green Lantern: The Animated Series S1 Justice League Action (2016) S1: EP4, EP32, EP37, EP38, EP45, EP48 DC Superhero Girls don't know why i put that here but ig |
Movies |
Green Lantern: First Flight (2009), Green Lantern: Emerald Knights (2011), Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths, Green Lantern (2011) i shouldn't recommend it tbh but also it's a goo laugh so why not Justice League: Doom, Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox, Lego Batman: The Movie – DC Super Heroes Unite , The Lego Movie, Justice League: Throne Of Atlantis, Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League – Attack of the Legion of Doom, Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Justice League – Cosmic Clash, The Death Of Superman, Reign Of the Superman, The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part |

PREN52 |
Green Lantern (1960) 87 Justice League of America (1960) 110 Green Lantern (1960) 165, 181 - 183, 185, 187 - 189, 193 - 198 The Green Lantern Corps 211 - 212, 224 Action Comics #601 - 606 Cosmic Odyssey , green lantern (1990) 1 - 9, 13 - 17, 19, 23 - 24 green lantern: mosaic (story is written by a pedo but it's one of the few solo stories he gets) darkstars 21 - 24, 0, 25, 33, 35 - 38 green lantern (1990) 70, 73 - 75, 78 parallax: emerald night) , green lantern (1990) 81 - 85, 91, 111-112, 129 - 134, 141-148, 155-156, 160, 167, 170, 178-179 |
green lantern: rebirth 1-6 green lantern (2005) 1 the flash (1987) 233, 235-236 green lantern (2005) 21-25, 26 - 27, 36 blackest night #1 green lantern (2005) #40 - 42, #44 - 49 blackest night #6 - 8 war of the green lanterns green lantern corps (2006) #61 |
N52 |
Green Lantern Corps (2011) 1-12 Rise of The Third Army , The Wrath of the First Lantern , Green Lantern Corps (2011) 20-23 Green Lantern: Lights Out , Green Lantern Corps (2011) 25-34 |
Green Lantern: (2011) 35 Green Lantern Corps (2011) 38 - 40 |
Green Lantern: Lost Army 1-6 green lantern: edge of oblivion 1-6 |
Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps: Rebirth , Hal Jordan & the Green Lantern Corps |
- I'm personally not a fan of how John Stewart was written in Cosmic Odyssey. I found out to be ooc and it was obvious the storyline was meant to be for another green lantern. but the events will follow him to this day so it's a must read |
- Also not a fan of how john stewart was written in Green Lantern (2005) & onwards. Due to the justice league cartoon, DC editorial made an attempt to insert the military background that was given to him in there & insert it into main continuity. Geoff Johns happily obliged & it's stained his writing since then, including his personality, turning him into a serious, cold hearted man who uplifts the military any opportunity he gets, making him 'patriotic'. It's why i recommend The Flash (1987) issues because waid really gave him a personality that i wish writers nowadays would use |
Movies, Cartoons, etc
TV Shows |
Justice League/Justice League Unlimited , Young Justice |
Movies |
Justice League vs The Fatal Five , Justice League: Dark |

PREN52 |
Green Lantern (1960) 59, 87, 116-117, 122-123, 189-190, 193-200 The Green Lantern Corps (1986) 201, 204-205 Legends 5-6 Justice League (1987) 1-4, annual, 5 Justice League International (1987) 7-6, 11-15, 18-19 justice league america (1989) 28, 33, 39-40 green lantern (1990) 1 -3 justice league america (1989) 45 - 50, 52 green lantern (1990) 4-13, 18 justice league america (1989) 60 justice league spectacular justice league america (1989) 61 - 63 Green lantern (1990) 25 Guy gardner: reborn Justice league america (1989) 66 Guy gardner 1-3 justice league america (1989) 70 guy gardner 4-14 justice league america (1989) 82-83 guy gardner 15 justice league america (1989) 84-85 guy gardner 16 guy gardner: warrior 17 justice league america (1989) 86 guy gardner: warrior 18-23 zero hour: crisis in time 4, 3, 2 guy gardner: warrior 24 zero hour: crisis in time 1, 0 guy gardner: warrior 0, 25-28 green lantern (1990) 60 guy gardner: warrior 29 action comics (1939) 709 guy gardner: warrior 30, 43-44 detention comics , parallax: emerald night green lantern (1990) 81-82, 102, 107 |
green lantern: rebirth green lantern corps: recharge green lantern (2005) 11-13 sinestro corps war green lantern corps (2006) 20, 27-30, 33, 39-48 green lantern: emerald warriors 1 - 6 war of the green lanterns green lantern: emerald warriors 11 - 13 |
N52 |
green lantern corps (2011) 1-12, 0 red lanterns 6-8 rise of the third army , wrath of the first lantern , green lantern corps (2011) 20 red lanterns 21-23 lights out , red lanterns 25-27 red daughter of krypton , godhead , red lanterns 38-40 green lantern: lost army , green lantern: edge of oblivion , convergence: green lantern corps |
PREN52 |
green lantern (1990) 48 - 55 zero hour: crisis in time (read backwards, starting at 4 and ending with 0) green lantern (1990) 0, 56, 62 - 64, 70 - 73, 76 green arrow (1988) 110 green lantern (1990) 77 green arrow (1988) 111 adventures in the dc universe 11 jla (1997) 1 - 7 green lantern (1990) 88 - 90 jla (1997) 16 - 17 green lantern (1990) 100 - 107 green lantern: the new corps, green lantern (1990) 113 - 114, 118 - 119 jla (1997) 43 - 46, 50 - 54 green lantern (1990) 129 - 137 green lantern: circle of fire , green lantern (1990) 143 - 146, 149 - 150, 153 jla (1997) 66 - 68, 70, 72 - 75 green lantern (1990) 154 - 155 jla (1997) 76 green lantern secret files and origins (2002) , green lantern: rebirth , rann/thanagar war: infinite crisis special , ion , green lantern: sinestro corps special , green lantern (2005) 21 - 22 tales of the sinestro corps: parallax , green lantern (2005) 23 - 24 tales of the sinestro corps: ion , green lantern corps (2006) 19 - 20, 27, 32 - 33, 39 - 47 war of the green lanterns |
N52 |
green lantern: new guardians 1 - 4, 11 - 12, 0, 13 - 20 lights out , godhead , the omega men (2015) , hal jordan and the green lantern corps 8 - 25, 33 - 36 titans (2016) 30 - 36, dark crisis #2-5, convergence: green lantern/parallax , dc retroactive: green lantern - the ‘90s |
PREN52 |
all star squadron 25 - 26, Annual 2 Infinity inc (1984) 1-44 New Teen Titans (1984) 38 Infinity inc (1984) 45-53, Annual 1-2 Green lantern (1990) 19, 81, 86-87, 91-93, 96, 103, 106-114, 117-122, 131-139 Green Lantern: Our Words At War, Green lantern (1990) 140-148, 150-162, 166, 168-177 Green Lantern/Sentinel: Heart Of Darkness 2-3 JSA (1999) 7, 9, 21, 34-37, 49-52, 54, 85 outsiders (2003) 1-32, 43, Green lantern rebirth , Infinite crisis 2-3 The Rann-Thanagar War Infinite Crisis Special , Green Lantern (2005) 42, 54 Green Lantern Corps (2006) 33, 39-42, 58 Blackest Night 1, 8 |
== Convergence: Infinity Inc.== 1 - 2 == Convergence: Justice League == 1 - #2 |
Infinite Frontier |
Infinite Frontier 0 Infinite Frontier Secret Files 3 Infinite Frontier 1-6 Dark Crisis: The Deadly Green |

N52 |
Green Lantern (2011) 0, 11, 13-18 Green Lantern Corps (2011) 16, Annual 1 Green Lantern (2011) 17-19 Green Lantern: New Guardians 19 Green Lantern (2011) 20, 29, 34 Justice League of America (2013) 5-10, 13 Forever Evil 7 Justice League of America (2013) 14 Red Lanterns 35-37 Green Lantern (2011) Annual 3 Green Lantern: Lost Army 6 Green Lantern: Edge of Oblivion 1-6 |
Rebirth |
Green Lanterns: Rebirth , Green Lanterns 1-6 DC Rebirth Holiday Special , Green Lanterns 7-47, Annual 1, 48-54 Secrets of Sinister House (2019) ,Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular , Green Lantern (2021) (it's currently ongoing) |
N52 |
Justice League (2011) 30-45 Darkseid War: Flash , Justice League (2011) 46-48 Darkseid War Special , Justice League (2011) 49-50 |
Rebirth |
Green Lanterns: Rebirth ,Green Lanterns 1-6 DC Rebirth Holiday Special , Green Lanterns 7-47, Annual 1, 48-54 Secrets of Sinister House (2019) ,Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100 Page Super Spectacular , Justice League Odyssey 1-25 (i'm not a fan of this run, she was very ooc after the first few issues but i'll leave it as a last resort) Dark Nights: Death Metal Rise of the New God , Green Lantern (2021) 2 Future State: Green Lantern 1 Green Lantern (2021) Annual 1, 5, 7 |
Non Canon |
Bombshells United 12, 38 Unearthed: A Jessica Cruz Story |

Movies, Cartoons, etc
TV Shows |
DC Super Hero Girls , Green Lantern (coming soon to Hbo Max) |
Movies |
Justice League vs The Fatal Five, Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis, Lego DC Shazam!: Magic and Monsters, DC League of Super-Pets |

Rebirth |
Far Sector 1-12 DC Pride DC Pride 2022 Green Lantern (2021) 2-4, 6-13 Dark Crisis 1-5 |
Future State |
Future State: Justice League 1-2 Future State: Green Lantern 2 |
Rebirth |
Young Justice (2019) 1-20 Action Comics (2016) 1020-1021 Green Lantern (2021) 1-7, 9, 11 |
Future State |
Future State: Green Lantern 2 |
Rebirth |
Green Lantern: Legacy, DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration, Green Lantern: Alliance |

Infinite Frontier |
DC's Terrors Through Time |